Monday, October 23, 2006

I wonder what it'd be like to have a life right now

Slept in until two today. I feel pretty good about that, except for the fact that now it's raining, so I'm skipping ye olde jog. Maybe I should just stop fighting it, and accept the fact that I'll be mostly nocturnal for the next little while. I've stayed after work for some beers the last couple nights, so I'm getting the rudiments of normal social interaction. Plus, what do I even do all day, anyway? Nothing. That's what. I'm probably going to crap out on painting my toenails today, even. Wow. Sorry, a wave of crushing depression just hit me. Why is October the longest of all months? September just whipped by.... I bet November will be even worse. And then we'll start having office groups come in for their lame Christmas parties. April can't come soon enough.

It's to the point that regulars are commenting on how much I work. "Wow, you're here ALL THE TIME." One of my coworkers was like, are you okay with working so much? And I said, "Well, I need money, and I have no life. What else would I be doing? Incidentally, do you have any shifts you'd like to get rid of? No, really."

Here's a random funny for you. I have no idea who this Sky Nellor woman is, but what they say about her made me giggle.

As you may have discerned from previous entries, I am having a boy problem. See, having been told things about being hard to read, and the way I'm reading HIM, I'm half-convinced that I'M being the roadblock here. He can have what I think he's after, no problem (well, some problems, but sometimes you have to leap before you look)... he just has to come right out and ask for it. I'm not just going to start whipping it at him out of nowhere. Hmm. That sentence just got very anatomically improbable. Moving on.

The irony is, I have a creeping suspicion that I'm slowly being friend-zoned, which is where I tend to stick guys with no compunction at all. Karma's a bitch.

Oh well, I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough. I'm pretty fickle when it comes to these things anyway.


Peter Lynn said...

I also slept in until two today, and I'm relieved to hear I'm not the only one.

Susan said...

Well, it's biting me in the ass now, as it's nearly six thirty in the morning and I cannot sleep. I don't wanna play this game anymore.

Peter Lynn said...

I was up until 8:00 a.m. Monday morning. That said, I was actually being productive and writing things!