Saturday, May 26, 2007

and if you want roses, you can go buy a bouquet

I added a couple new links.

That was all I was going to write, but I GUESS I could tell you which ones, in case you HADN'T memorized my list of links. There's the Toronto Star's site, which is fabulous because, unlike the Globe and Mail, they don't require you to sign your life away to access all those articles. I do miss having the paper right here with me, but as my erstwhile roommates doubtless remember, I tend to only read it sporadically when I get it delivered specifically to me. The internet is quite the paper saver.

Also, I've linked to George Stroumboulopoulos' site, because I've recently become somewhat addicted to The Hour. Hmm... I should stick that link in there, too. Well, once I'm done this post.

Finally, there's, which is one of those lifestyle/culture/urban kind of websites. I just discovered them, and so far I quite enjoyed the Dating Issue. Plus, it links to a Pickupedia, which is good for a few laughs. I think I'd actually end up having a conversation with the guy who tried, "Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?" on me.

In totally unrelated news, I've just cleaned my apartment. A few newcomers to chez Susan are dropping by tonight before we head out to the Madison, so I thought putting my bras IN the laundry basket and taking out my recycling was in order. I really do need more posters. I got used to having one big old blank wall, but now it's depressing me.

As much as I've been trapped in here for the last little bit (and the latest on the work front is that they're going to open VERY SOON (although I've heard THAT one before), so my lack of usefulness should end shortly), I have not gotten sick of my apartment. I am still madly in love with it. It's simply glorious to have my own space. I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be, but that's only because of the work thing stressing me out. Once they finally get their damn acts together, life will be fabulous again.

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