Monday, June 04, 2007

black coffee... since the blues caught my eye

Attention, everyone: I am going off the sauce.

No, I don't mean alcohol. Well, I do, kind of, because I'm not allowed to have that either, but what I'm really referring to is coffee. I woke up today in a total funk. I've been getting a string of crappy news lately, and I'm sick of feeling lousy and logey. So naturally, I'm going to cut out one of my few real pleasures: my daily black ambrosia. Not only that, but I'm also off of chocolate, dairy, processed foods... yes, that's right, I'm detoxing. Three weeks of me being crazy and caffeine-deprived. Should be fantastic.

Actually, after a week my cravings and the assorted withdrawl symptoms should be gone, or so I'm told. I don't want this to become one of those diet blogs, but according to this book, in two weeks I should be looking and feeling fantastic. So I'll be keeping you posted on whether or not it's full of shit. I won't be, because I should be getting plenty of fibre. I admit to being pretty enamoured with the healthy vision it's promising: glowing complexion, clear mind, better sleep, more energy, fewer mood swings.... Come to think of it, if I have a clear mind and fewer mood swings, I might have to shut down this blog altogether. What am I gonna write about? How fantastic my life is? Pfft.

I also have a job interview across the city somewhere tomorrow. It's a good thing I've decided I don't really want this job; I have a very small chance of getting it without coffee.

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