Sunday, May 27, 2007

I bet you look good on the dance floor

ADMITTEDLY, I am extremely drunk right now. But I just want to reiterate the fact that I am tragically and unironically in love with Dave. I have loved this movie since I was a young lass of ten, watching the previews for it. I distinctly remember them. When I finally saw the actual movie, my love was confirmed. Oh, Kevin Kline. Can you do any wrong?

By the by, we ended up at the Wreck Room. Tom managed to get red wine all over his brand new, expensive shirt (purchased that very day by his girlfriend, Nicole), and the time we spent cleaning and then drying said shirt made us quite late for the busy Madison. I'm drunk, so I'm not feeling super bad about what I did on the dance floor (which was to imitate all the bad dancers on the floor... two of them noticed. One came up to me and claimed I was an amazing dancer, and the other just seemed amused and kept going... as did I). Good solid times.

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