Thursday, March 15, 2007

slightly pathetic

I WOULD be severely demoralized that Ho Lee Chow has my name and address on record now if I wasn't aware that everything is computerized and networked these days; even so, I attempted to order online to avoid speaking to a human. I was thwarted by their evil time system and had to call it in anyway. I'm not one of those sad single ladies who order the same stuff from the same place every week YET. Give me some time.

Before you start judging me, let me just say that I am fighting off a murderous cold, and spent most of today being feverish on my couch. I managed to make myself some soup for lunch, but then I started thinking about how delicious the Chinese food that Toni, Jo and I ordered on the weekend was... and here we are. I try not to ignore my cravings when I'm either sick or pmsing, and lucky for me, it's both right now. Yaaaay!

Tragically, my cable has chosen now to short right out. I was following the troubleshooting instructions in my manual (who knew that they could actually be useful?), but it turns out that the creepy cable guy has a grip like a vise, and tightened the cables to the point that mere mortals cannot unscrew them. And since I don't feel up to talking to tech support, especially because I'll be forced to say things like, "ORDINARILY, my grip is quite strong... goddammit, can you just send a guy? A cute one? Wait... I look like shit. Anyone will do," I've chosen to instead watch Star Wars and mope for tonight.

If any of you were placing bets, I cracked yesterday and started looking at the classifieds. I'm not good at being unemployed and fancy free. It occurs to me that the whole acting career thing might cause problems in that department.

In other news, I got my first funky Queen West hair cut yesterday. The jury's still out; she thinned it A LOT. But I wanted a change, so I can't really complain. I mean, I WILL, but I shouldn't. And why would you go to a place called Coupe Bizarre if you weren't willing to go crazy broadway style?

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