Wednesday, August 01, 2007

newly in love with The Strokes, for those of you keeping track of my music choices

I nearly had a throw-down with an older Irish man at work today. I can't do it justice by writing it out; suffice it to say, he managed to be the most maddening customer in recent memory. And also that he narrowly escaped death at my hands, due only to my superior self-control.

I often develop automatic dislikes towards customers; many's the time I have envisioned stabbing someone at a table with my pen and watching them bleed to death. (What, too far?) Usually while I'm standing holding a heavy tray while the cussie debates between menu items, but refuses to admit to needing more time.

Other than work-related rage, I had an astonishingly productive day. The plumbers came by to fix my sink very early, but instead of going back to bed, I did some laundry, tidied my apartment, and walked to the pool for some lengths. I am sorely out of swimming shape. I even walked back. Then I ate, read some Harry Potter, showered, and went to work. On the way back, I got a sandwich, and bought a MetroPass (my first! I decided that since I'm working seven days a week, it's finally worth it). Now that I'm sitting after my eight hour shift, my muscles have chosen to start complaining about all this undue effort. I can barely walk now, and so getting ready for bed seems like an insurmountable task. Plus, I have all this laundry lying on my bed.

But tomorrow, I have much to do. I have to buy a new planner, to keep track of all my wheelings and dealings. I was considering giving blood and jogging, but the exercise depends on how much pain I'm in tomorrow, and the giving blood on when I can drag myself out of bed. I also have a staff meeting at the Meat Palace--Chef is coming in to explain the new menu to us, and then I'm on call at PM. The Meat Palace is actually getting really interesting--every time something goes wrong at PM, I feel like storming out, because the MP would be thrilled to have me full time. And vice versa, but yesterday at the MP I served an important food critic, and things went incredibly well.

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