Sunday, February 11, 2007

heading to... exotic Newmarket!

My vacation from TJ's began at the end of Turtle School yesterday; I have four days to go spend in Newmarket, driving my cousin around to her various extracurricular commitments whilst my aunt and uncle are on a cruise. It'll be nice to be out of the 'Saugs, and I'll pretty much just be lazing around, watching movies and napping in between my driving duties. Plus, who can argue with time away from work?

I'm not kidding about the Turtle School thing, by the way. I think it was cruel and unusual punishment to get me up on Saturday morning and put me in a small room full of people who were in various stages of drinking the corporate koolaid with NO COFFEE. I would have started a riot, but I was too tired. As many of you may know, I tend to act slightly inebriated when sleep-deprived; when called on to answer the question, "What makes you a good employee?" I slurred, "Sheer awesomeness." I feel like the corporate trainer was unimpressed, but my coworkers are used to me and my ways.

Well, showering and packing must occur. I may blog from Newmarket, I may not. We'll see how many terrible action movies my uncle owns.

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