Friday, February 23, 2007


Breaking news: I have successfully applied for an apartment! I handed in my notice, and I am MOVING TO THE BIG CITY! I am so excited and nervous and all-round crazy that I'm having trouble sitting still. Also, listening to the Fratellis makes me want to dance.

I settled on the Bloor and Sherbourne option, if any of you are keeping track and/or stalking me. I am overwhelmed by the amount of shit I will have to pack up over the next two weeks, but it is going to be beyond awesome to set up my place.

Scones and tea at my new bachelorette pad?


Peter Lynn said...

Congratulations! If you keep your eyes open, you can see me walk by at a quarter to six some Sunday afternoon.

Peter Lynn said...

By the way, are you going to be in that big huge apartment complex near there? Jay Pinkerton used to live there.

Susan said...

Did Jay Pinkerton live EVERYWHERE? It's a small apartment building on Bloor, so it's possible he missed it on his theoretical campaign to have marked territory in all of Toronto as his own.

I shall keep my eyes peeled, and perhaps lob stuff at you one day. Or, more likely, at someone who I believe to be you, but is actually a hapless bystander.

Peter Lynn said...

Well, if you're on Bloor, you're less likely to see me, then. I usually just get off the subway at Sherbourne and walk south. I don't really walk on Bloor. But I encourage you to throw things at people anyway.

I think Pinkerton just lived in two places in Toronto: the gigantic apartment building on Sherbourne, and the big round gay one on Alexander. Of course, he also fell asleep in a drunken stupor in every bar in town at some point, usually spending the night there because his bloated carcass wasn't worth the great effort for the waitstaff to move it (they usually just threw a tablecloth over him and locked up for the night).