Tuesday, February 27, 2007

you will go to the moon; you'll probably be heading there soon

Mother is going through what Jo and I irreverently call "the change of life," which currently means that she is in a bad mood and baking cookies. This is bad because I can smell them, but I can't go near her because she's crazy. It's pretty rough chez moi, let me tell you.

But this place won't be chez MOI for long!

There's a new hostess at work. I've downgraded my opinion of her from "seems nice" to "dumb as a post." Luckily, I won't have to work with her much more. Speaking of which, my arch nemesis at work got his ass fired, and there was much rejoicing. Now I just need that pantry kid to get canned, and I can quit the field victoriously.

The best part about that guy being fired is that it was the stupidest way to go. He pretty much got the axe for being a dumbass. I mean, he wasn't good at his job, either, but that's not why he went. If there's one thing you gotta accept about working for corporations, it's that there is little to no room for irony. You have to at least pretend to take things seriously. He showed up high to his session of Turtle School and then mouthed off about how stupid everything was. I take my job seriously because it's my job, and they're paying me to, not because I care all that deeply about whether or not some asshole's steak is overdone. Plus, I have to say that I've been treated really well by the management, and I'm genuinely going to miss many aspects of working there.

Packing is hard, guys. Also, I own a ridiculous amount of books.


Toni said...

You should donate some of your books.

To me.

Also, I would like to help you move. But I live in another city.

And would probably just steal your books.

Is it possible Brian is also going through the change of life? Pls advise.

Susan said...

Medically speaking (picture my fingers tented medically here), I think Brian is displaying ALL of the classic symptoms of the change of life. You may want to spike his protein powder with estrogen to even him out. And then lend him one of your bras.