Wednesday, February 07, 2007

random thoughts as I'm squirrelled away in my room

I just walked into the bathroom and was immediately disoriented. It was clean, and I was not the agent of the cleanliness. I'd been making mental notes for the past week to passive-aggressively pressure my brother into manning up and doing it, but I kept forgetting. He unceremoniously dumped my various hair and cosmetic products into a bin, but I'm told men respond better to carrots rather than sticks, so I'm not going to say anything about it.

I'm bored, and I want something entertaining to happen. I briefly considered going to see a movie, but the only one that vaguely interests me is Children of Men, and it seems like too much effort to get myself to a theatre right now. Being bored sucks when you're lazy.

I've somehow acquired a set of regulars at work. I mean, there were regulars before who know me, but these ones ASK for me. The sketchy restaurant/bar that's been at the town centre for years has finally closed, so now we've got an influx of their former regulars. I guess they just like routine, and they're making me a part of their new one. The other night I had a pair of men who claimed that they make Bollywood movies and that I should be in the next one they make in Toronto. You meet the strangest people in my line of work. Even weirdos eat.

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