Thursday, February 15, 2007

to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance

Back in the 'Saugs. My mini-break was full of sleepings and loungings, and I even managed to read some Dickens. I pretty much saw the end coming a mile away, and he really looooves the long sentences, but other than that, I can reccomend A Tale of Two Cities as a solid read. Not something you can just skim--my fast reading skillz have left me with a tendency to tune out sometimes, confident that I'll pick up the gist--because you'll suddenly realize that he's gone off on some tangent, anthropormorphizing some concept, and you have no clue what he's talking about.

The Great Apartment Hunt continued today, and now I'm debating between two places. You could, if you wanted to be all art queery about it, characterize the two as separate sides of my psyche. One is really very rational; it's the cheapest AND the largest, and it's right beside a subway stop. The other one has character, but it'll be a bitch to move into, and is sliiiiightly on the sketchier side. Logically, I should go with the first. Emotionally, however... I'm a little in love with option number two. I mean, I'm shuddering at the thought of hauling my beloved double mattress up that narrow flight of stairs, but... once it's in there.... And there ARE logical pros to number two as well. It's two blocks away from the Eaton Centre, so it'd be ridiculously easy to find a restaurant to hire me. But even if I worked in that area, I could still live at place #1, because it is literally next door to a subway station.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep on it and dither, and hopefully fax in an application to the winner on Friday.

I was going to tell you the saga about me and my cousins' cats, but now I'm tired. It's been a very long day.

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