Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007 to you all!

Well, that went fast. I'm not sure if I can mark 2006 down as a good year or not--overall, I'm ambivalent. There were some amazing times, and some really crappy times. So, basically, like all other years. I'm looking forward to moving out in a few months, and dreading having to face cold, hard reality. I'm thinking that 2007 will be interesting, and full of the usual rollercoasters of emotion.

A few highlights from 2006:
  • spiking my coffee cup on the way out of my last exam
  • graduation day and the following (and final) communal nap at 10 Stanley
  • my trip to Europe
Wow. I hope I can come up with more for next year. Well, I'm sure there ARE some... I'm just too lazy to consult archives and my journal at the moment. But these ones stick out to me right now. So there we go.

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