Tuesday, December 05, 2006

it's racially stereotyping day here at TJ's

They had me train someone at work last night! It was very exciting. We weren't too busy (well, we weren't THEN... after all the other servers left I had a late rush and got smoked), so I tried my best to impart my storied wisdom. She used to hostess, so she knows mostly everyone (and she knows more about the restaurant biz than I did when I first started serving), but it was still really strange to try and explain all the things I do habitually. Plus, she's only 18, so she knows next to nothing about alcohol. But apparently the manager told her to pay especial attention to me because she could learn a lot.

I didn't notice how much darting around and weaving I do until I had someone try and follow me through it all. I kept scooting off and losing her. I had a plan to introduce her to my tables as my parole officer, but I never got around to it.

Why would a guy think I'd email him at freestylin_playa_4_realz (or something like that)? Honestly, boys, put a little effort into NOT coming across as a wang.

Best line of the night was when my trainee was commenting on how non-ethnically diverse our staff is, and Chris started listing off all the minorities who work there, and ended with, "And what about Michelle? She's TAN." I laughed about that for like five minutes. It's probably only funny to Jo, who's met her.

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