Thursday, December 28, 2006

take it from me, there's not much to see in this void

Just got back from coffee with an old friend from high school. Good to catch up with him, but it was a little random because we were never that much more than acquaintances at school; I'm finding that since I've graduated and moved back home, people you used to sort of know are suddenly interested in chatting and being all social. But the really rando thing was that we ran into two girls who used to be really close friends of mine. I hadn't spoken to one of them in probably three years, and the other girl last I ran into exactly a year ago, boxing week sale shopping. So there was the awkward chatting, which is always a good time. It's poor timing; I was just feeling positive about the way my life is going, and now I have to see people who make me think about the trajectory my life was taking five years ago. Al's in teacher's college, just like she planned, and Maryse is still pursuing that physio degree (or so I gathered... she didn't do too much talking). I never wanted to be back in the 'Saugs, working at the local watering hole, but here I am.

I guess it's all for the best though. I don't really have a handle on what else I could be doing at this particular moment, life being what it is. And I have a goal in mind, and I'm almost there. It's just a case of reunion syndrome, when you want to have something wildly impressive to tell lapsed friends so they can realize how much better your life is than theirs.

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