Friday, December 01, 2006

this used to be the life but I don't need another one

I am sleep-deprived and hopped up on caffeine, which is much like being drunk, but more uneven. I'm oscillating violently between being completely zoned out and extremely hyper. It is ROUGH over here. I've been on a five closes a week schedule for the past month, and then they throw me on a lunch shift. Luckily it wasn't busy, because bad things would have happened. As it is, I got kicked out of the kitchen because I was telling really bad jokes and giggling to myself, and my boss claimed he just couldn't deal with me. This is what three cups of coffee and no sleep does to me.

Okay, so in today's Star there is a review of a documentary (which I wanna see) called Fuck. I noticed recently that they've pretty much given up on the whole "f---" thing they used to do in the paper. When did that go? I mean, not that I'M offended by it, or anything. But I did read the paper in elementary school, so I'm just wondering if it's entirely appropriate. Swearing is like drinking. You want to do it when you're technically too young for it, but then the shine goes off it when you can do it whenever you want to. I mean, you still do, but some of the glamour is gone. I don't even watch my language around my parents anymore--really, just around my cousins. And I mean, I TRY with Toni's kid sister, but pretty unsuccessfully ("Fuckin'... ... uh, I mean, frootin'.... Damn.").

I guess I can be pretty old fashioned about kids sometimes.

I feel like I'm waiting for some kind of sign to tell me I can stop waiting and life will really start. But what, precisely, am I waiting for?

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