Sunday, December 24, 2006

peace on earth, etc

Hey, Merry Christmas to all! First, allow me to explain my week and a half of absence. My computer decided that it wasn't going to speak to my keyboard any more, essentially. I calmly considered the situation, and then threw a hissy fit. And now, here I am on a brand new computer, with a snazzy flat LCD screen. I actually got talked out of the faster computer by the salesman (he wasn't too impressed with me. I think when he asked me what I was using it for and I said, "You know... typing... stuff...." alarm bells went off in his head). Anyway, people think I'm crazy when I anthropormorphize my machinery, but I set up the new one while the old one was still in the room, and now the old one refuses to work at all. We set it up in the basement and were planning on hooking it up to the internet so I could transfer my music, but it's being withholding. So once again, I am starting from scratch. My brother is convinced that he can get the old one up and running again (at least to the point where I can get my files off it), but he is stymied as to why it's so moody. It refuses to turn all the way on now. It let me open the cd drawers and get my DVDs out, and some of the power lights turn on--just not the main one. I'm telling you, it has a personality. And it's real mad at me.

So what have I been doing with myself for the last eleven days, you ask? Nothing of vital importance. Last weekend Jo and I went up to the Hammer for some quality Toni time. You can zip over to Toni's blog for pictorial evidence. Then I worked a bunch, finished my shopping, and, you know, generally did my thing. I tried to get the entire TJ's staff to say "It's a Christmas MIRACLE!" whenever anything good happened, and "THAT'S not very CHRISTMASSY!" whenever something bad happened, with limited success. I did manage to get my extended family to accuse everyone else of ruining Christmas every ten minutes. Ahh, family gatherings.

Laptop guy and I had a nice conversation about books (this was after I tried to convince him that the wings he'd just eaten had come from my pet chicken, Fluffy) on Thursday night. Doug and Charlie swung by and we went out for late night coffee when I finished work. Then we played poker Friday night and I was sooooo close to winning. Closer than I've ever been before! But stupid Charlie, who's USUALLY bluffing, started getting some good hands. I may never get over it.

Anyway, that's me, updated for the last little while. Not thrilling, but I promise to try and have some adventures in the new year. Maybe I'll even start this week. Get a running start for 2007, as it were.

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