Monday, November 20, 2006

heaven sounds pretty boring anyway

I'm afraid that my crush on laptop guy must end, as evidence is mounting that he is a cult member. He usually comes in by himself, but every now and again another guy would join him, and they would have some kind of intense conversation, one time with a bible on the table. Last night there were five of them, and there was a definite church-group aura wafting off them. And one of them (they paid separate bills) left me a "$1 000 000" bill with his credit card slip that sure is some Christian Evangelical propaganda.

As I think those who know me are aware, not only do I take the lord's name in vain willy nilly, I also don't believe in him. I certainly am not going to "read [my] Bible daily and obey it." I certainly have done more than just "looked" with lust. I'm really pretty appalled that I have this thing sitting on my desk right now.

It's possible that laptop guy is connected with these guys in some completely random, non-culty way. He did stay after they left, which implies... what? Some degree of separation, I guess. But I'm going to re-direct the adultery in my heart at someone else. You really can't have an unrequited love for someone who's convinced you're going to hell.

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