Sunday, November 19, 2006

wait til tomorrow, you'll be fine

I was up until five am this morning. I think it was part crappy sleeping habits, part residual cold symptoms, and part psychological. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to sleep, and so I wasn't. At around three thirty I caved and took a decongestant. I read somewhere that you're not supposed to take them more than three days in a row because you'll get backlash congested (I'm sure they phrased it more medically), so I was trying to get through the night by mouth breathing. Sexy, I know.

Anyway, during my "research" into decongestants, I came across this helpful tip to naturally unplug your nose. You alternately thrust your tongue against the roof of your mouth and press with your fingers between your eyebrows for thirty seconds. This is supposed to make some kind of dealy in your face rock back and forth and encourage it to drain, clearing your sinuses. All I got was a headache. So now I suspect some Dr Jerk is having fun with hapless cold victims via the power of the internet. Like I didn't have enough problems with the whole inability to breathe thing.

November appears to be whizzing by. This only makes me nervous because I feel like I missed something along the way.

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