Wednesday, October 25, 2006

beverly, my old friend!

So I'm putting a halt on my rage-filled, work-related blog entries for a little while. I'm getting sucked in; work is becoming my world. I haven't seen my best ladies in a few weeks, so I'm getting all crazed and losing my already tenuous hold on reality. I usually rant to Jo and Toni about various work shit and then it's out of my system; when I can't do that, it stays in and swirls around, even with the venting to my blog. But hopefully I'll see one or both of them this week, and I'll regain my equilibrium.

Unfortunately, if I can't talk about work, there's precious little else I CAN talk about, because I have no life. I'm going to bed now, so maybe I'll come up with something soon. If not, expect an onslaught of 80's music videos, because Rob has reminded me of many songs from my youth, and I like to share the love.


Peter Lynn said...

Are you saying that your dramatics as of late have been unnecessary?

Susan said...

Ahaha... way to prompt a crisis of mission statement faith, Mr Lynn. Now I might as well tell you all about the table of women who showed up 45 minutes late for their reservation, and then gave me attitude all night about everything, and would NOT stop ordering blended drinks.

But I'm trying to re-establish my identity as drama queen adrift in an uncaring world. The restaurant is just too small a venue for my personal insanity to really bloom.

Fear not, though, it's probably only a temporary halt. And I don't have to stick to what I say anyway.