Friday, October 27, 2006

oh frabjous day! calloo, callay!

OKAY, so I've been switched to an on-call dinner shift for the Halloween party! This means that Susan is getting RIOTOUSLY drunk at said party, instead of standing behind a bin of beer, nursing her massive wound of disgruntlement. Apparently, I was originally supposed to do it, but the other chick asked for the shift, but they forgot to take it off my schedule. Golden! By the way, in case you thought I was exaggerating when I say that she's the staff slut, she's going as a slutty Red Riding Hood, with a basket of condoms and lube to distribute.

Now I just need a hot costume, with a downgrade on the slutty. I'm not going to tell you how slutty the costume I came up with was; suffice it to say, I probably would have been jumped by kitchen guys in the fridge everytime I went in there for the next three weeks. It was the kind of thing you put on for your boyfriend when you want his attention.

Speaking of boys, my boy problem... well, still there, but undefinably somehow better. I feel less ridiculous about my own foolishness. It's still very stupid, but I have a better idea of where I stand.

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