Thursday, October 05, 2006

whorey, but not in a common way

Okay, I seriously just laughed so hard at this that I cried a little. I admit to a slight and shameful addiction to Cosmopolitan--look, I just crave the over-done girly stuff every now and then, alright? I don't have a subscription or anything; I just need to buy it once every three months or so. Jeeez. But anyway, the fake quiz is genius, and even funnier if you know precisely what is being spoofed.

In simultaneously depressing and uplifting news, I am employee of the month. I think I get a pin. And possibly dinner. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the fact that I named all of the servery garbage bins (by the way, most of my coworkers figured out that I was the one who'd done it without even asking... I'll chalk that up to my effervescent personality, and not to the fact that many of them think I'm crazy).

Leeetle crush on one of the regulars at work. He comes in by himself with his laptop and watches Daily Show and Colbert Report clips on YouTube every now and then. And he's hot. Good gravy, I need a life. Stupid work.

1 comment:

Dan Carlson said...

"Where do you hide her body?" That's the one that got me.