Monday, October 30, 2006

I don't actually mind pants so much

So I'm buying myself an ipod nano as a reward for generally being awesome. Jo and Toni and I are like pack buyers; it's pretty sad, and also pretty hilarious. Here's my problem: you can get a free engraving on the back, right? Well, what is a girl to get permanently etched onto her music-lugging device? Jo and Toni got their nicknames (well, in Toni's case, I like to think of it as her REAL name... that whole Christina thing was just a misguided phase), and Jo added a succinct description of the way she lives her life (it says, "JOWIE, hater of pants" on it, in case you were wondering). However, although over the years I have been variously known as Subu, Subutron, Suze, The Sooze, Susie, Suzy Q, Susamaphone, Maphone, Phone, Phoneamaphone, Suki, Subi, Sue, Swayzan, Uncle Sushi, and Sexkent, none of them have really got any staying power. I remain, basically, Susan. So there's our first line, done. But I want something else on there, something guaranteed to make me smile when I see it.

Unfortunately, things that amuse me change without notice. Even phrases that I over-use fade in and out of my conversation rapidly. Six months ago, it might have been something like, "eat a bag," or "double balls!" A year ago, Lindz might have tried to con me into getting "S'n Ds 24/7," althought I never said it as much as she did.

Here are the options I've come up with; feel free to add anything clever you can think of. It can't be more than 23 characters.

unnecessary dramatics
the world is my mollusk
I have a BAH, you know
stop ruining my life
consider the lily

The last one there is from Brian's brief sermon in "Life of Brian." Incidentally, Susan means lily. See what I did there? Anyway, I'm going to take a few days to mull 'er over.


Toni said...

I would like to cast my vote for "the world is my mollusk." Also, order ASAP so we can have a three way high five with our red ipods!

Peter Lynn said...


(The question mark is not meant to be part of the inscription.)

Susan said...

Okay, I thought of one more. And Rob wants "Rob sent me this song" as an option, which will only be apropos if he gets off his can and sends me the mp3s I've demanded. I ain't putting cheesy eighties videos on the thing! (... but maybe the tunes themselves? I'm a loser.)

The one I thought of was "Kiss me, I'm Cholish!"

The best thing about this is that on the order screen, you can try out what each inscription looks like. I'm glad to tell you that "Peter Lynn is awesome?" looks pretty hilarious. It takes up too much space in all caps, unfortunatement.

Peter Lynn said...

I don't mind if you lower-case me.

(True fact*: That was the original title of Morrissey's "I Don't Mind If You Forget Me".)

*Not a true fact.

Anonymous said...

You have the option of putting ur email so if it gets lost, ya know, someone could email u and tell you they have it?

Anonymous said...

remind me tonight, i should be around and i shall send you the requested songs... probably along with many more.....