Friday, October 20, 2006

a bit of musicality, please!

I am incredibly sleepy right now, but naps always make me logey. I mean, I still take them from time to time, but I try not to if I can avoid it. Naptime is practically a course on most campuses; a university education is incomplete unless you've blown off SOMETHING for a nap. But I've only managed to wake up from one feeling refreshed once. It was glorious. But I'm not going to keep chasing the dragon.

Last night was another brutal night at work. It was the local high school's commencement, so at around quarter to midnight, a bunch of parties of tricked out punks rolled in and demanded chicken fingers. My pet peeve when I go out is a rude server, but maaaan oh man. We're right next door to a McDonald's, kiddies. You want fries and chicken fingers? GO THERE. It's a third of the price, and you won't have me standing there glaring at you. Every server knows that teens who tip are in the minority. Choppy and I were swearing blue streaks. I pretty much gave up on offering any sort of service--if I have three large parties of idiot kids who suck back their drinks in five seconds, no one is getting a refill. Them's the breaks. I was there for over an hour of extra time because I couldn't do any of my closing duties while the morons were milling around. At least if it's drinking age assholes I have a fighting chance of making a few shekels off them.

I am getting DRUNK tonight. It's been a very long week. One of the managers is leaving, so we're all hanging out in the bar to wish him well, and then a bunch of us are heading to a different bar to be rowdy. Really, I just enjoy the excuse to dress up, but I am going to miss Jamie. His replacement is a halfie like me though. Japanese and German, from what I hear. We're like, double neighbours! She looks more Asian than I do.

Had my first ballroom dance class on Wednesday. We suck, but we're not the absolute worst. I have trouble following. Pretty damn glad I'm absolved from leading, but there are all these cues you have to pick up on in order to follow correctly. We're working on the rhumba, so I keep picturing myself in Strictly Ballroom. Like, the beginning part when Fran turns the wrong way, and etc. That's me. Only worse. But just you wait... soon enough, I'll be tearing up dance floors across the nation. With my razor shoes.

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